Please arrange a referral from your General Practitioner in order to make an appointment.
Appointments are available in my rooms at the following times:
Suite 16, Level 7
Prince of Wales Hospital
Barker St, RANDWICK NSW 2031
Tuesdays: 8.20 am to 4.20 pm
BMA House
Level 7, Suite 704
135 Macquarie St, SYDNEY NSW 2000
Wednesdays: 8.20 am to 4.20 pm
I also operate at Prince of Wales Private Hospital one Thursday a month.
It is a good idea to ring a few weeks in advance to make an appointment if you are a new patient. Ideally, for obstetric appointments, you should ring to make your first appointment when you are seven weeks pregnant, after your first dating scan.
The cost of an initial gynaecology consultation in rooms is $270 and lasts for about 40 minutes. There is a rebate of $75 from Medicare for this consultation.
You should arrange for test results and the GP referral to be sent to our rooms after you have made your appointment.
There are additional charges if you are coming for a procedure such as a colposcopy, IUD insertion, or biopsy.
Please phone Michelle on 0437 052 098 to make an appointment. Office hours are 8.30 to 5 pm Mondays through Wednesdays.